During a visit to our family home in Idaho, we harvested apples from our 3 trees. From that harvest, we canned 27 quarts and 17 pints of applesauce. There is no way we would have canned that much if we hadn’t had a food strainer.

The strainer we used is hand operated and clamps to a table.  Cut up, cooked apples go into the hopper, applesauce comes out the sides of the strainer cone, and all the seeds and peel come out the end of the strainer cone.  No need to peel or core the apples making it SO much faster to make applesauce!

If you like applesauce and have access to large amounts of apples, I highly recommend putting a food strainer on your preparedness wish list.  There’s a great one by VKP Brands.

The applesauce screen (strainer cone) will also work with tomatoes for tomato sauce. There are additional screens that allow you to use the food strainer for preparing salsa, pumpkin puree, seedless berry jams, and grape jam.

Quart and pint jars of applesauce
Quart and pint jars of applesauce