Using Pantry Cooking: Unlocking Your Pantry’s Potential and to Save Time Planning and Preparing Meals

Cover of Pantry Cooking

Feeding yourself and your family well in a short amount of time doesn’t just happen. You have to plan and prepare. Planning meals around shelf stable foods saves time spent shopping and time spent preparing foods.

Use Pantry Cooking and to plan your menus for at least a week. Start by making a list of recipes from both sources that your family likes. Next, make a list of ingredients for all those recipes. Then, shop for those items and, finally, stock your pantry. Be sure to keep the pantry stocked by having an ongoing shopping list of items to be replaced. To save even more time and money, stock up on those items when they go on sale.

You don’t actually have to make a menu when you use the recipes in Pantry Cooking and to make your grocery list. Just keep a list of the recipes you have ingredients for, and dinner can be decided on and made at the last minute!


  1. Make a list of recipes your family likes.
  2. Make a shopping list of ingredients
  3. Shop
  4. Stock your pantry
  5. Replace items as they are used or go on sale
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