How to Store Shelf Stable Food

Cool, Dry, Dark, Airtight

There are four rules for extending the shelf life of shelf stable foods.

COOL – Store food inside.  Temperature affects shelf life the most.  Canned foods store 2 to 3 times longer at 70oF than they do at 90oF.  Most dry foods store 30 years or more below 70oF but for less time at higher temperatures.  Temperature affects nutrition, texture, appearance, smell, and taste.

DRY – Dry foods should be below 10% moisture and kept dry. Weevil are less likely to reproduce in grain with less than 10% moisture. Beans with less than 10% moisture won’t go hard as quickly. Non-fat dry milk should have no more than 2.8% moisture for the longest shelf life.

DARK – Store in opaque containers or in dark locations. Light fades colors, destroys vitamins, and speeds the rancidity of fats.

AIRTIGHT – Containers should have airtight seams and lids. If in doubt, seal with duct tape. Plastic buckets with rubber gaskets are considered airtight if the gasket has not been damaged. Insects cannot grow and multiply without oxygen. Shelf life is longer and nutrition is better in foods without continued exposure to oxygen.

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