Amaranth dry packed in quart canning jars

Amaranth is one of the Ancient Grains that is now available to us. It is not common in mainstream grocery stores but can be found online and in grocery stores like Sprouts. The protein in amaranth contains all the essential amino acids, those amino acids which the body cannot produce and must obtain from food. Amaranth is a good source of calcium and also contains Vitamin C. Being a complete protein and also a good source of calcium and vitamin C is unusual for a grain making amaranth a valuable grain for food storage. Because it is also gluten-free, it can be stored by individuals with gluten sensitivities.

Azure Standard sells amaranth in 25-pound bags for $1.96/lb. (May 2023). That should be your price for comparison when you shop other places. At that price, the protein equivalent is less than half the price of ground beef or white meat chicken.

Amaranth can be dry packed in canning jars or mylar bags. I use amaranth by the tablespoon instead of by the cup, so I prefer smaller containers, usually quart jars. Twenty-five pounds of amaranth fills 15 quart jars.

Learn how to dry pack in canning jars here.

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